Slow down and enjoy life. It's not only the scenery you miss by going too fast - you also miss the sense of where you are going and why.
Monday, July 30, 2007
QQ's Busy Mouth
Contrary to our Puffy's behaviour, the Shih Tzu likes to keep mum at moments like those. Most of the time he just has this very confused and puzzled look on his face. Crispy once remarked to me that she hardly ever see QQ bark at all.
After observing QQ at home for a while, i've finally come to the conclusion why QQ does not bark as much as Puffy. And here are the reasons :
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Homemade Minced Meat
Monday, July 23, 2007
Home, Hum and Halal
Guess what i had back at home? For those who remembered my post back in January, i simply must have Malaysian Hokkien Mee every time i'm home. Well, this time is no different. However , this time i had another of my favourite dish, Spicy Cockles! Here, have a look at this mouth-watering serving :

Can't really tell it's 'seehum' huh! That's beside the point. The point is, i really love them, but i don't really get to eat them every time i'm home, it really depends on the availability of the cockles at different times of the year.
This time, my visit home was marred by an unpleasant incident which i promised my mother i will repeat here. Here goes :
Me and my parents were shopping in Cold Storage and we purchased some picnic ham which were sealed in a styrofoam container and bagged in an extra plastic bag. At the check-out counter, the Malay cashier REFUSED to touch it, meaning we had to scan it for her and place it in the plastic bags ourselves.
My take is: I thought halal-ness ( haha, what a word) is justified by what you eat. Correct me if i'm wrong though. Anyway, WELCOME to my HOMETOWN, the land of Ninja Turtles (if you don't comprehend this, don't worry, it's a special racist term i reserve for myself...hohoho)
Don't mind me, sometimes i just need to let off some steam. But look at it from a different angle and it does seem like a comical situation. My father even quipped that money being passed from hand to hand may not be 'halal', for at some point in time, it could've passed a pork butcher, who knows?
I am reserving some nice photos i took back in Malaysia for future postings. Stay tuned alright?
Love, puffyrazzi
Friday, July 20, 2007
Michelle Kwan 2003 World Championships
She's the best figure skater Puffyrazzi has ever seen. One of the most moving Long Program she's ever done. Cheers, michelle!
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
QQ's Day Out
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
My Gaming World
Puffyrazzi Favourites
1. Dreamfall : The Longest Journey II
-A continuation from Part I which i played 2 years back but much slicker and with better graphics. Fantastic story development. I recommend this for adventure-game lovers.

2. Syberia
- This game came close to topping this chart of my favourite games, but the storyline is slightly weaker. There is a Part II to this game, but it is too short and not as impressive as the original.

3. Phoenix Wright : Ace Attorney
- I love this cute little mystery-solving game. With its cutesy characters and funny dialogues.
4. Neighbours From Hell
- The naughty little game needs a lot of cheekiness and brain-storming

5. Sims Makin' Magic Expansion Pack
- My favourite among the Sim series of games

6. Hotel Dusk : Room 215
- I love its shady and jazzy theme. Wished it was longer though.

7. The Longest Journey I
- Received rave reviews from the adventure game lovers when it was first released. I love it too!

8. CSI 2 : Dark Motives
- CSI released 4 games but this is the only one that i truly appreciate.
Puffyrazzi's Hall of Shame
1. Cooking Mama
- Fun in the beginning, but then later got annoying.

2. Agatha Christie : Murder on the Orient Express
- The worst adventure game i've ever played. It made me go 'what the...'. Bad, bad storyline, bad, bad game planning and too draggy.
- They should rename this CIS : Bedebah haha
4. Maple Story
- Pretty fun, but did not need any brain power, just mindless killings. Totally wasted my time and energy. Glad i put it behind me.
OK, that's about it. I've tried to learn to play games on PS2 but i'm not really good at using a game console, so i sort of gave up on it. I still prefer PC games, especially adventure games ( e.g. Syberia and The Longest Journey). Anyone with any good recommendations of adventure games, please let me know! It's so hard to find one with a good plot.
Other games that i'd like to try but have yet to get my hands on them:
1) Trace Memory
3) Trauma Center : Under the Knife
Alrighty then, have a nice time. Do try out Dreamfall : The Longest Journey. Oh, but you'll need
to know the storyline from part I, so i guess you'll need to play from Part I. It's worth it!
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Sheraton Towers 29 June
Sunday, July 01, 2007
No More Sorrow
Dedicated to a Madman at my workplace