Hello everybody! My name is Simple, i guess i'm a Maltese. My owners are visiting UK so now i'm boarding over at Auntie Wee's house. I come here to stay often and they love me like one of their own!
Auntie Wee likes to play with me. Sometimes i play tug-of-war using my hanky or play catch with a tennis ball. I enjoy making them chase after me!

I enjoy being the King of the house! Look at me standing so high up...looking down on peasants ( the camera-girl)...staring into the horizon that is my kingdom.... =P

During our free time, i sit on Uncle Wee's lap to watch TV on the lazy chair. U see that blur in the pic? That's QQ, the irritable dog that likes to pester me. He's such a baby, he's just jealous i'm getting so much attention!

Hey, look at me! I'm posing for a photo, and i do look professional huh? Can come out with my own pictorial, with the amount of photos both the Wee sisters are taking of me.
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