Saturday, March 01, 2008

Puffyrazzi's Family Hainanese Chicken Rice Part One

Today, in view of the upcoming elections, i will celebrate it by sharing with everyone my family's recipe which took many years to master to perfection : THE HAINANESE CHICKEN RICE!!! I will share everything except how to make the ginger sauce (which happens to be the best part).

To make a unique dish, obviously we select premium ingredients. Supermarket chickens will not do. Look how big and succulent the chicken is!

Bring water to a simmer in a pot (big enough to fit the chicken you have shortlisted =P), add a little ginger to give it some extra taste.
Place the chicken in the pot, and cover the lid for 15-20 minutes. If the water does not cover the whole bird, ensure that you occasionally turn the chicken over so that no part is left uncooked.

When the chicken has been taken out, remember not to discard the soup. This part will be recycled for later parts. I'll write up till here today, please tune in for Part II, coming out in the next few days.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

People should read this.