Thursday, September 11, 2008

QQ's Pet Hotel

Ehhh, what's mummy doing? She's gently coming my hair and making sure i look tidy. She normally doesn't do it at this time of the day. What's going on? I smell something fishy going...

Hey! My food, my toy and my hanky! She's packed my luggage? Are we going on a vacation? Or is she bringing me to stay over somewhere?

Arrrghhhh, she put me in this cursed car again! Everytime i come in here means i'm going to see the vets. I hate them cos they always put me on this ice cold table, and poke me with needles. Plus the place smells bad too! I must fight back with all i've got.....

Hehe...i'm here! Hey, this place doesn't look half bad... It has a large running area and lots of food stocked up...

What is this? I thought i was going to stay in that room just now? Not this tiny little cell!!! *sob*..... lemme out! Lemme out!