Monday, May 11, 2009

Bowled Over (Whose Butt Was It?)

Which sport comes with balls of different colours? BOWLING! Some people may say that leisure bowling is no longer an 'in' thing for youngsters these days, so i suppose we no longer qualify as youngsters 'cos we had so much fun. Let's have some butt-guessing games.

This is the rear-view of my boss. She's a fun-loving and good listener. Comes up with the most outrageous jokes and laughs heartily at my bimbotic moments.

This is the backside of my 2nd-in-command boss. He's an Arsenal fan and his specialty is getting 'high' after having lunches at West Coast Plaza with us but remarkably recovers upon reaching the office.

This is the rear-view of a very soft-spoken girl, or so i thought initially. After getting to know her pretty well, she's a chatterbox which i cannot derail! Her eyes light up whenever we mention great shopping places or nice food.

The truth is out! The bowling god title goes to 'D'!

And here i present you, the faces you can put to the butts =)


Anonymous said...

Where's the pic of your Butt ?


puffyrazzi said...

No one help me take leh...