Friday, July 03, 2009

Agent LL's Physical Training Regime

I, Agent LL, decided that since i'm getting a little fatter, i resolve to lose all this weight by undergoing the most rigid training regime ever. Wish me luck, all my fans =)

I will start by watering these big, round, bushy plants. Look at how low i'm bending my waist. This helps burn the fats around the tummy area.

Bonsai needs watering as well. This requires my full concentration and hence, the perfect training for the mind. -FOCUS- -FOCUS-

Cactus also needs watering???? This is the finger obstacle course, as i maneuver my nimble fingers to avoid the thorns.

Agent KK is getting flabby as well, so i roped him in to join me. C'mon, let's clean up our MIB3-mobile.

Make sure the logo is clean, so that we don't lose face when we show up in front of the enemy.

This is our back-up mobile... same thing here....make sure the logo is clean so that we don't pai-seh. Oooi, Agent KK, what are you doing over there? Don't slack hor...!

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