Monday, October 05, 2009

Kuantan's Food Shock List

Kuantan's most unappetizing looking dish : Looks like fried maggots with no colour whatsoever. Doesn't taste pleasant too~

Kuantan's oiliest laksa ever.... probably coz it's the seafood version? They should probably rename this dish 'Seafood in Oil'.

Kuantan's Most Colourful Mee Hoon Kuay! The flour bites came in 3 different colours : white ( normal flour), green ( with spinach essence) and purple ( with red dragonfruit flesh). Fancy huh?

Kuantan's worst service : Lyon Steakhouse in Kuantan got the honour. A steakhouse that forgets to provide patrons with steak knives, takes your order only to tell you that they can't serve you burgers because they're out of buns, switches off the main lights when you're reading the menu etc.

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