Thursday, December 09, 2010

Dajie, Erjie and An-An

Who are these three cuties? They are the three orphan sisters from the movie Despicable Me. I've been wanting to post this for some time. The three sisters in the movie were always together : the eldest gives instructions to the younger ones, she is skinny and wear glasses. The middle child always keeps her mouth pointed and mumbles without giving much of an opinion. She is also tomboyish. The youngest of the lot stares at everyone with her big brown eyes and most of the time is up to no good. Sounds familiar, eh sisters?


Anonymous said... us 20 years back ??


puffyrazzi said...

Err...more like >25 years back =P

eRjie said...

hahahahaha~~the eldest sister really looks like dajie....errrr...25 years back!!! XD