Sunday, November 20, 2005

Emotional Tussle

What a week... emotions ran high, morale dipped to a record low and ugly politics reared its head. How many of you out there has a lady boss? I count all my lucky stars that i do not have one after witnessing how far emotional grudges can cloud a woman's judgement. I'm not being stereotypical, i just believe in what i see and hear.
Sometimes you may find yourself working with someone you detest, but you smile and accept your fate. After all, you work for the same goals, why make matters complicated by involving your personal feelings. It is not only unfair, but unethical.
When he went home right on time at 4.45 pm, you blasted him for skiving and laziness. When he stayed back right up to 6 pm, you accused him of having ulterior motives. You disconnected his internet connection at work for the fear of him being distracted and the first thing you used to do every morning was to print recipes from the internet. You were not pleased about his office relationship with another chemist in the lab... what about yourself? You were seen leaving a hotel with another man (definitely not your husband). Bitch...
Even after he tendered his resignation, you would not allow him to leave in grace. You forced him to leave 2 weeks earlier than expected, and told him about 30 minutes before he was due to leave for the day. What choice did he have, had to pack everything from the locker into a box and leave like he was fired from the job.
These days, you are a changed woman. You are so nice to everybody, while we do enjoy it, we all believe that WHEN A MIRROR HAS CRACKED, NO AMOUNT OF FIXING WILL BE ABLE TO MEND THE CRACKS THAT ARE ALREADY THERE. We forgive but we will never forget.
Last friday, i had sushi with Carlos, Derrick, Lai Kwan, Daniel and Mildred. It was a fantastic outing. Mildred announced that she will be getting married next year after what we call an 'open secret affair'...haha... i feel so happy for you, remember to let me be your flower girl.
To Derrick, we will miss having such a brilliant lab technician with us. Though our position may seem to outrank you, the truth is, you taught most of us what we know today. We are indebted to you and thank you for your genorousity. Take care after you move to Auckland and do come back to visit us... *peace*


Anonymous said...

wah !
发生了什么事啊? !

puffyrazzi said...

wa...u so kaypoh...haha