Thursday, November 24, 2005

Sun and Moon Signs

This is something I read up recently thanks to a book I borrowed from Bee Hua for leisure reading. According to history, early Babylonians are probably the first people to notice the connections between events on Earth and the movements of the stars.

The horoscope sign we normally look up for in the newspapers is our sun sign. This is where the sun was when we were born. For me, my sun sign is Gemini (the twins). Obviously not everyone from the same sun sign will be exactly alike. So, those geniuses take into account which constellation the moon was at the time of birth…Brilliant! The calculation in determining the moon position is awfully complicated but lucky for me there’s a simple guide where I found out my moon sign is Sagittarius (the centaur).

The description for those born under the same signs as me, moon in sagittarius and sun in Gemini is as follows:
You love to talk about your travels and would have made an excellent member of the great explorer’s club. You would make a good teacher (what a load of crap) because you are able to enthuse others with your love of foreign parts and all they have to show us.
You are verbally fluent and able to communicate easily. You can be impatient, and have been known to go off in a huff if kept waiting
(this part is accurate) .
You tire easily, but given the amount you manage to pack into one day, it’s not surprising you become exhausted.
Family : Never at home long enough to have one
Relationships : Likes to have a lover or two in tow (yup, I have Michael Owen, Kimi Raikkonen, Jacques Villeneuve, Paolo Maldini, Roger Federer….)
Career : Never around long enough to achieve
Friends : Extremely gregarious and well liked


Anonymous said...

you sagittarius ????!!!

puffyrazzi said...

sagi sagi sagi....

Anonymous said...

i see i see i see....

Anonymous said...

Sagi is puffyrazzi's MOON sign lar!!! not SUN sign!

Anonymous said...

Moon...? Sun... ?
ok. not sagi.

Anonymous said...

u guys are so funny!