Monday, April 07, 2008

Chef LeLe's Raisin Buns Part II

Hi guys, me back! As you can see, the buns are ready and nicely arranged on the tray! I'm gonna bring it over back to the kitchen for tha baking process...

OK lemme grab a timer. In case i go yakking around while the buns are baking, they might get charred and we don't want that to happen, do we?

Yawn, baking can be so mundane sometimes. I'm getting bored... Me will just quicky spread some egg yolk on these buns, stuff them into the oven and go play with me toys!

Look! Buns in the oven! Oops, no...i don't mean that anyone's pregnant... me just meant it in literal sense that my buns are in the oven! oooohhhh.... can't wait...

How many yawns does it take for my buns to bake?

Yippee, me buns are done! They don't look very pretty do they? But me bet they taste so much better than those you buy from bakeries. Yummy... me am off to kaypoh somewhere else now....Catch up with u peeps next time! Ciaoz

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