Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Taiwan Visit Day 5

Our 5th day was spent entirely in Janfusun Fancy World in Yunlin. Even our hotel that night was Janfusun Prince Hotel, in the grounds of the theme park.

This theme park has a major weakness. The rides are either too mild or too wild for me. There are no intermediate rides for not-so-cowardly-yet-not-too-brave folks like me. Anyway, here's the mascot of Janfusun Fancy World, the unfortunately named Kuku and Kiki.

From anywhere in the theme park, you won't miss the Ferris Wheel...apparently the largest in the Ferris Wheel obsessed Taiwan. From the Ferris Wheel, i could see miles and miles of vegetable farms and beautiful forests as Janfusun is situated in the middle of nowhere.

There are 2 major roller coasters in this theme park. This is the Crazy Coaster, which Kenny went on...i almost peed in my pants just looking at it... however this one is considered the milder of the two. The other one called the G5 coaster has an almost 90 degree vertical track where the roller coaster just dives vertically into a tunnel in the ground and shoots right back up again.... not for the faint-hearted!

We also went to the Water Park, which has some very nice tub of them is this ride that looks like a filter funnel from my lab. We had to sit in a tub which comes down from a slide right into this funnel. At least now i know how my products feel when i force them down the filter funnel at work...

It started raining at around 2 pm, by the time we've just completed what we wanted to experience. Lucky for us there are actually some indoor attractions in this place as well. There are 2 museums, the Tea Museum and the Coffee Museum.

Both museums show the history of the beverages and the different customs in each country consuming them. They also show how the drinks are processed.

Our entrance ticket also included a night entry into the theme park when it's all litted up. After freshening up and having dinner, we returned to see the lights in the theme park and there was a show in the mini stadium on weekends (we were there on Sunday). On the day we were there, they were featuring a Russian acrobatic show... very interesting.

There were also fireworks on weekend nights but i decided to forego it to return to the hotel to watch Episode 11 of 'Hot Shot' on Taiwanese TV....muahahahaha

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