Monday, July 24, 2006

School Days Part I

Looking back, what is the best time of your life? School days? I hear a resounding 'yes' in my ear right now.. haha. I can't make up my mind which school days were the happiest for me. Let me take a stroll down the joyful path of school memories ;
1985 - My first year in school. Back in my time, there was no such thing as pre-school, so my first taste of school was kindergarten. It was a Catholic School run by a nun called Sister Bernadette. The children all wore green uniforms with a dark green line running down the right side of it, it was really an eyesore. This is my blog so i guess i have some bragging rights. I was an angel in school, being the teacher's pet and always the first to be released into the playground during recess. It was in this school that i first learnt English which would eventually become my first language in life.
1987- I was promoted to primary school. My primary school was just 5 steps away from my previous school, being sister schools. I had a privilege of being in a school which gave minimal homework, thus my childhood during this time was spent playing, which i thought was great. I was glad that i grew up immersed in a pressure-free school and environment. My parents never demanded that i do well in school, for they know the greatest education does not come from school. I was just an average student then, but with my time off school i was able to pursue music. Though i hated it then, i am now grateful that i had a chance to get acquinted to the piano, harp, organ and harmonica. Music is now one of the core elements in my life that i can't imagine a minute without it. Be it at home or travelling in the bus, i still need a little music to get by with.
The lack of school work also meant i was able to get in a lot of play time in the afternoons. I used to get cheeky with my neighbourhood friends, and we would be playing different games by the roadside everyday. Even exams were not able to put this routine aside haha. On rainy days, we became TV junkies, watching cartoons or one of those lame TV shows (e.g. Get Smart, Happy Days, The Saint etc.)
Coming up, as soon as i'm free to write, 1993 onwards....

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