Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Kom Ombo Temple During Nightfall

Since we woke up at 2.30 am the night before, we spent the afternoon sleeping in the boat while we sailed from Aswan to Kom Ombo. We reached Kom Ombo at about 6 pm and had an excursion by walking for about 10 minutes to Kom Ombo Temple. It was an altogether different experience visiting a site which was lighted up at night.

This whole temple is built in a symmetrical fashion, due to it being built to worship two gods - Falcon god Haroeris ( Horus the Elder on the left) and local crocodile god Sobek ( on the right).

There are several interesting items in this temple which must be experienced : (1) a carving on the wall which showed that ancient Egyptians invented many medical devices such as the sponge, saw, scalpel etc.

(2) An outdoor bath tub which was frequented by Cleopatra. She used to have goat milk's bath in this particular bath.

(3) A Nilometer - a sort of well which was used to measure the degree of flood from the River Nile. This was very important for the agriculture sector, particularly.

(4) An ancient calendar, carved on the wall.

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