Friday, November 18, 2011

Fear Factor

Having a walk in a pasar malam in Phuket was a breeze, it was drizzling and the locals + tourists were all polite. The stall owners were smiley and everyone was intrigued by the things being sold. Prior to going, Tze Ching and I were already eager to see a stall selling bugs. Finally we found it tucked in a small corner.

Alrighty, we found our choice for catch of the day. Our local guide told us that the silk worm tastes the best but we sort of chickened out, and went for the milder grasshopper instead :)

Must take a few snapshots to commemorate this moment in time... haha....cheers~~

Om Nom Nom Nom Nom...... we chomped on it like Cookie Monster.....Hmm....

It was fine, cos they sprinkled seasonings on top of the bugs before serving. These grasshoppers were sold in a packet of 100 g but we couldn't finish them all. Up to a point, the sharp edges on the grasshopper's legs makes your throat really itchy and irritated that you just had to stop for a drink of water.

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