Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Agent LL's Pizzeria Part I

Hi guys ! Today i'm the pizza boy, and i'll let you in on my secret recipe. Here you see me boiling fresh tomatoes with ketchup and herbs. This will be the base sauce for my pizza.

Let me flex my manly muscles, helping my grandma open a can of mushrooms, followed by tinned pineapples. There's my grandma in the background, preparing to make the pizza dough .

Big yummy succulent mushrooms....we'll have to boil them in a pot first.

Here's my grandma, adding olive oil to the dough mixture. It's much healthier than normal oil.

Here i am, trying to get salt to be added to the dough as well. I'll add less salt, also better for my well-being...hehe... as an Agent, i must start eating healthy from young.

Next step : Adding flour... careful now, don't spill them all over the kitchen counter.

Finally, add yeast...According to my grandma, yeast is a living micro-organism but i think she's just kidding? They look like brown sugar to me....hmmmm....

Star shape? Love shape? Moon shape? Doggie shape? .....Decisions....Decisions.... (to be con't.....)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Actually he was complaining on how much stuff to be cut ! Ha ! In the end, Grandpa did all the cutting...