Friday, January 16, 2009

Agent LL's Pizzeria Part II

OK, back to making pizza. The dough is out of the bread-maker....this part is the hardest work... kneading kneading and kneading. Then it's rolling, rolling and rolling.

Whoaaaa.... Pizza toppings! The best thing about making your own pizza is that you can choose your favourite toppings.

Just having a piece of chicken to try out the taste. MmmMMmmm....good... now i'll have a piece of pineapple...mmmMMmmmMmm...good.... what about the carrots? MmmmmmmmMMM good....and some of that cheese....MmmmmMMMmmm good.....oh oh oh, don't forget the mushrooms....MMmmmmMmm good....and....and....

Lastly, top the pizza....spread out everything as evenly as you can...

It's i'll just have it brought to the oven... ahh, i can't wait for the feast...

How does it look? Better than Pizza Hut's , i bet.... It should taste really good as well. Come on everyone...come and enjoy Chef Lele's home-made pizza.

I'll just have a slice...must stay slim. Now, where's my brother Kaikai? I'll save some for him...and QQ as well. I'm sure they'll like this.

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