Monday, December 19, 2005

The beauty of Kong

3 hour 10 mins. A very thin-veiled message was sent through the big screen, on how human's lust for fame and fortune can be placed above everything else. Through Kong, we saw the purest form of love; a love that transcends the species and language barrier between himself and Ann Darrow.
Set in the Great Depression era, it is every man for himself. Carl Denham was depicted as the heartless brute who was willing to do anything for money. The portrayal of this character brings to us the realisation that in us, there IS a small part of Carl Denham. All of us are selfish and like him, the human race has been exploiting various specimens of nature.
Kudos to a great Brontosaurus stampede scene complete with accompanying raptors, a jaw-breaking fight between Kong and the T-rexes and giant centipedes (megapedes?) crawling out of tree trunks. To Ann Darrow, i applaud you for a great set of lungs =)
Very enjoyable and evoked a lot of thinking. Sadly in the end, the beauty did kill the beast.

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