Monday, March 06, 2006

The Da Vinci Code

If you are avid reader, i am sure that you have read Dan Brown's The Da Vinci Code, a conspiracy-theory thriller which is tantalizing and exceedingly clever. The book did touch on religious-sensitive issues and Dan Brown managed to surprise readers with shocking revelations. If you have not read the book, this may be a spoiler for you. Be patient , as the movie starring Tom Hanks is due for release this May!
The most shocking revelation in the book came when Sir Leigh Teabing was giving the results of his study on the Holy Grail. It is wide belief that the Holy Grail is a chalice, or the Cup of Christ. Teabing noticed an oddity in Da Vinci's painting of the Last Supper. In the painting, there was no sign of any chalice and it seems that Leonardo Da Vinci had forgotten to paint the Cup of Christ in the painting but how can it be?
Teabing came to a conclusion that the Holy Grail is not a cup, but a person. How did he come up with this theory? In ancient symbols, the women is depicted by the symbol shaped like a letter 'V', or a chalice. A chalice resembles a cup and more importantly, it looks like the shape of a woman's womb. Hence the Grail's description as a chalice is actually a smokescreen to protect its true identity : a woman.
Who is this woman? The Last Supper is supposed to depict 13 men. If we look closely at the painting, the supposed 'man' on the right of Jesus Christ is unmistakably a woman! The woman is believed to be Mary Magdalene. A closer look at the painting will make you see that Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene were wearing clothes of inverse colours, or as quoted in the book, "yin and Yang". This piece of information suggested that Mary Magdalene was Jesus Christ's bride. Another glaring clue from the painting is that the space between Mary Magdalene and Jesus Christ was shaped like a chalice. Too much of a coincident?
This book is fictional but how much of it is true? Like other readers, i'm still wondering. Can't wait for the movie to reach the theaters!

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